

Office 365 - Page 3

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Office 365 Date and Time Functions module

Date and Time Functions

Excel has many functions dedicated to dates and times, for example, to “date stamp” an invoice or identify the number of...

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Office 365 Logical Functions module

Logical Functions

Logical functions in Excel allow you to have the program make decisions based on criteria you specify. A simple example could be to...

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Office 365 Lookup Functions module

Lookup Functions

Every Excel user knows that VLOOKUP is a tricky function to manage, but there are alternatives few people are aware of. This session...

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Office 365 What If Analysis module

What If Analysis

Excel has a number of tools that allow predictions to be made depending on several variables. This can be very useful as a means of...

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Office 365 Data Consolidation module

Data Consolidation

If your role involves combining sets of data that span several periods of time, it can be tricky if they are laid out and formatted...

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Office 365 Auditing, Error handling and Protection module

Auditing, Error handling and Protection

Auditing tools allow users to problem solve formulas and ensure accuracy and error handling is an essential skill for anyone performing...

Office 365 Data Tables (Sensitivity Analysis) module

Data Tables (Sensitivity Analysis)

Sensitivity analysis is a process by which different results can be predicted according to a number of variables. This is an important...

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Office 365 Text Functions module

Text Functions

Excel has a number of functions specific to text rather than numbers. In this one-hour session we look at some of these, including...

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Office 365 Hints and Tips Part 7 module

Hints and Tips Part 7

Excel, and indeed all of Microsoft 365, has recently been upgraded with AI-powered tools. This Hints & Tips session explores three...

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