

SEEDL Consumer

Ideal for those that are striving for personal growth or looking to enhance / learn new skills for career opportunities.

What's included?

  • Nearly 250 courses to choose from, on subjects including....
    • ⚠ - Health & Safety
    • 🤝 - Sales
    • 🛒 - Customer Service
    • 🙌 - Leadership
    • 📈 - Office 365
    • 🧘‍♂️ - Mental Wellness
    • 👮‍♀ - Compliance
    • 📣 - Communication
  • Cancel at any time.

Tell me more!

  • 🎙- 20 or 60 minute live broadcasts AND on demand access (71% of users attend live).
  • 👩‍💻 - Experts that have done the job, and understand their subject.
  • 🌱 - Learn at your own pace.
  • 📻 - We have our own radio station SEEDL Chilled!
  • 🎤 - Access to podcasts and recorded content.

Please check SEEDL for all courses and upcoming dates. Note we constantly add new events to the schedule.

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Password must be 6 or more characters long, contain upper and lowercase letters, numbers, at least one symbol and not be easy to guess.