This course provides a roadmap to achieving excellence in Leadership. It will provide essential leadership skills to those who are newly appointed leaders or those who are more experienced. The course will provide a thorough review of leadership theories as well as practical exercises to help embed learning. When you empower those around you to do their best work, you add value as a leader. Understand the art of leading and being led to truly help others reach their potential.
Team members who feel valued perform at their peak. As a leader, we show you how to coach your people...
In this programme we introduce four types of mentoring and cover the essential value they bring to the...
This is a critically important webinar for any business leader seeking to take an honest, supportive,...
The conversations you have with others play a big part on the outcome, understanding and success of a...
Change is unavoidable, it is constant and necessary, but some people find it hard to deal with and even...
Creating a high performing team sets an organisation up for success. Learn how to create this team and...
In a no normal world, how do you, as a leader, juggle what’s right for your business and people? How...
One of SeedL’s founders coupled with a leadership expert, record the Global Leadership podcast...
How to create a high performing team, why skill and will is key to success and how to communicate with...
Coaching a team of people is an art form. This course will provide you with hints, tips and tricks to...
Exploring the essential behaviours necessary to turbo-boost high trust/high performance within teams;...
Succession planning focuses on identifying and growing talent to fill leadership and business-critical...
When and how to run an effective and productive team meeting. This session is full of ideas to help...
As a leader, the way you communicate with others can have a significant impact on motivation, morale...
Being a great leader, is doing what’s right for the business and its people. During this session...
Creating the right balance between support and challenge to increase engagement, learning and success....
In a more agile working world, leading a team of people is now easier given the access to technology....
If we don’t have engaged employees, it’s only time before it starts impacting company performance....