Exploring the essential behaviours necessary to turbo-boost high trust/high performance within teams; in this webinar we look at the...
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The conversations you have with others play a big part on the outcome, understanding and success of a goal, task or project. This course...
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Change is unavoidable, it is constant and necessary, but some people find it hard to deal with and even harder to manage. This session...
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As a leader, the way you communicate with others can have a significant impact on motivation, morale and productivity. This course...
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Creating the right balance between support and challenge to increase engagement, learning and success. It’s not just about the...
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In a more agile working world, leading a team of people is now easier given the access to technology. But how do you lead a hybrid...
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Often used synonymously, management and leadership require many different qualities. This session will explore these, before giving...
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This session will give you an overview of how to approach and plan for a large, more complex deal. A complex sale involves multiple...
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Understand the buying process and what motivates people to buy. This will help you better understand how we engage with clients and...
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